Center for Science in the Public Interest
英文简称 : CSPI
中文全称 : 公共利益科学中心
所属分类 : 机构组织
词条简介 : http://www.cspinet.orghas been a strong advocate for nutrition and health, food safety, alcohol policy, and sound science. Its award-winning newsletter, Nutrition Action Healthletter, is the largest-circulation health newsletter in North America, providing reliable information on nutrition and health.
- CSPI : Cumulative Schedule Performance Index 累积的时间表的性能指标
- CSPI : Cross Sector Partnership Initiative 跨部门合作倡议
- CSPI : C S P, Inc. 作者c.s. P,公司
- CSPI : Corporate Service Price Index 公司的服务价格指数
- CSPI : Consiglio Superiore della Pubblica Istruzione Consiglio Superiore Istruzione德拉Pubblica